Monday, August 24, 2009

On (mental) Vaca

I've been a little inconsistent with posting because I'm currently in limbo, back in Michigan, and preparing to move back to campus. Since I'm finish with work at my summer job, before I get to campus, I'm home entertaining myself with my old pal Mr. TV. WOW! I've missed so much, but more importantly I've found a new home channel. My first favorite is the Food Network of course, but my new favorite is the HGTV Network. This show called House Hunters is amazing! What a great concept. You can watch people shop for a house, critique every little detail, and then die and anticipation waiting to find out which house they choose! I love it! lol Some of the shows feature domestic searches, but the coolest episodes are in international destinations like Buenos Aires and Nicaragua! Its a dream home (window) shopping spree!

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