Saturday, April 30, 2011

"My Dove moment." Yum.

Friday, April 29, 2011

POW! The leather Bradshaw sandal in Venetian Navy.

Babganoush-Hummus Pasta- featured yesterday on Rachel Ray 30-minute meals. I might have to prepare this myself...after I start eating heavy carbs again :/

Two weeks until I reach my expiration date at the George Washington University

"I used to be obese. Once you've conquered obesity, everything else is easy" -DeAngelo Vickers (Will Ferrell) #TheOffice

Monday, April 25, 2011

Courtesy of, a new kind of hotel review website

Friday, April 22, 2011

Picnic for the Planet. "Celebrate Earth Day with good food and great people"
Show the Earth some love today.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Busboys and Poets is a green-driven company and is proud to have taken several steps to become more eco-conscious. We have adopted principles, policies and practices that improve the quality of life for our customers, our employees and our surrounding community."

Checkout their green initiatives. Happy Earth Day!

taking it as it comes...bending but not breaking

Monday, April 18, 2011

Run this Town

Photo finish. Clock time 1:34:07. Chip time 1:27:21. Pace 8:45.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Protein Kick

Getting my protein up! According to the University of Maryland Medical System Protein Calculator, I should be getting a minimum of 82g of protein in my diet daily ?! At first I tried to do it by consuming more protein-enriched food such as nuts, beans and soy yogurt, but there just isn't enough hours in the day and plus my system just can't handle all that. Seemed hopeless until I found this! It's a soy protein powder at GNC, and so far real good! No random side-effects, aftertastes, or system overload. Good stuff.


Completed my first half-marathon this year!

Sweet victory...ran 13.1 miles through Disney's Magic Kingdom in 2 hours, 9 minutes, and 6 seconds.

And I met Mickey!!!

Vegan Comfort Food ?

Yes! There is such a thing according to Yahoo! Green. Find 5 Vegan Comfort Food Recipes here. (Pictured above is the Sheperd's Pie, which calls for tofu, tempeh, seitan, or mushrooms as the protein of the dish)
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