Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 3. And I can't fall asleep?? I feel like I can run a mile or two right NOW! Aghh #whatislife?

Master mix today consisted of yesterday's ingredients except I switched out the Cranberry juice for Carrot and Blueberry juice. #stillNOThatingit!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wrapping up Day 2 and preparing for Day 3! Still not hating it, so without further ado...

Tomorrow's master mix is Kale I Cranberry juice I Banana I Apple. Also, I'm taking on the Lemonade cleanse. This should be good. #ohboy #juicing #justcause

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 1 - not bad but not doing so well at documenting. Maybe because I feel like a zombie. Blaaaahhhh. Maybe boxing in the morning will help! Night, night.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Starting an "adHoc jucing cleanse" tomorrow. Basically, I will not eat anthing only drink, which sounds ok right now but I have a feeling this is going to suck... Well maybe 'suck' is a strong word. I'm actually looking forward to juicing and not eatting (not to sound anoxeric at all), but just to give my digestive system a little break. You see, the foods we eat are very tough on our bodies. Sodium, fat, and even fiber take a lot of energy from our bodies because they need to be processed and digested. Learned that one from Lousie (grandmother). Juicing is a good way to give your digestive system a rest and give yourself a boost with veggies and fruits. I'm going natural, jucing fresh vegetables and fruits. Later in the week I'm going to shock my system and try the Lemonade Diet, coined after Beyonce did it so obviously so can I! Stay tuned ...
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